tirsdag den 4. oktober 2011


I like working with FIM (Microsoft ForeFront Identity Management). I'm currently working with Søren Granfeldt on a Homedir MA, and i find myself needing som extra entries from the metaverse in my Powershell script. I designed this cmdlet to get me, what i needed:

Function Get-SQLData {
   Gets data from MSSQL tables

   Gets data from MSSQL tables
    Get-SQLData -SQLServer FLHSRV144 -SQLDBName FIMSynchronizationService -Schema dbo -Select * -Field Uid -Value ITSABA
 Returns the entire record containing ITSABA on the field Uid in the FIMSynchronizationService database on FLHSRV144
 Get-SQLData -SQLServer FLHSRV144 -SQLDBName FIMSynchronizationService -Schema dbo -Select isMailUser -Field Uid -Value ITSABA
 Returns the value for isMailUser for the record where Uid equals ITSABA in the FIMSynchronizationService database on FLHSRV144
Param ($SQLServer = "FLHSRV144",
 $SQLDBName = "FIMSynchronizationService",
 $Schema = "dbo",
 $Table = "mms_metaverse",
 $Select = "*",
 $Field = "Uid",
 $SqlQuery = "SELECT $Select FROM [$SQLDBName].[$Schema].[$Table] Where $Field = '" + $Value + "'"
 $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
 $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $SQLDBName; Integrated Security = True"
 $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
 $SqlCmd.CommandText = $SqlQuery
 $SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection

 $Reader =  $SqlCmd.ExecuteReader()
 $Counter = $Reader.FieldCount
 $info = @{}
 while ($Reader.Read()) {
 for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Counter; $i++) {
 New-Object PSObject -Property $info

Now all MV-entries are accessible from my script.
Feel free to reuse and modify.

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